Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Purpose

It's always a good idea to have a purpose for a blog.  Well this blog is an idea that I have been kicking around for some time now.  I am a homeschooling mom and love to give my kids hands-on experiences.  We are part of a homeschooling group that we love dearly and with that group we have been able to take many field trips.  Since our group loves to have close encounters and as many hands-on experiences that we can get, we have had to limit the amount of families that we can invite to come with us.  As much as I would love to invite everyone to come explore the world with us its just not possible.  So I would like to use this blog to encourage homeschooling families to get together and get out there...fill your kids with experiences and memories!  I'm going to share some of our field trips that we have taken and hopefully you can visit those places too.  There are so many amazing opportunities for homeschooling families in the Pacific Northwest. 

Also, I would love any ideas from my readers!  And if you are looking for families to join you, let me know.  Maybe we can get you connected!

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